Monday, December 2, 2019


Added new ProgressIndicator component. Added splitNavigation to NestedList and NavigationView where there are two toolbars with the navigation button on the bottom. The performance of the data package has been signifigantly improved. They are no longer included via mixin, but via import:. We have added some configurations to List which help improve performance. sencha touch 2.0.1

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sencha touch 2.0.1

Post as a guest Name. Post as a guest Name. For example, when a bar chart had 15 bars total but only 12 were visible sendha. It now returns the success value Boolean as the first argument and then the Seencha object as the second argument. Server to properly respond to failed Ajax calls. This also fixes the same issue issue with WP7. The animation methods have also been removed from Navigaiton View. Active 3 years, 11 months ago.

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ttouch Fixed toolbar size in landscape on BlackBerry Until then we will be focusing on bug fixing, documentation, and performance tweaks. Could anyone please suggest me a solution for this? February 28, Version Number: In addition, lists can use components if you specify them with an itemConfig and itemTpl will be converted to an itemConfig dynamically if you specify one. Fixed List round UI when not grouped.

extjs - Sencha Touch 2 White screen on startup of native Android App - Stack Overflow

Updated styling for the select field overlay in BlackBerry This will improve the performance further since it will be easier for the browser to calculate the composite layer for one such item. Added new examples to the KitchenSink. In addition, there is a new theme 2.0.11 which is used within the framework to identify tohch theme CSS file is being currently used. Select has been changed to return the new and old values and not records.

As of beta 1 most people will need to update their PRx sdncha to use sencha-touch-debug. The Mozilla implementation is experimental and relies on FireFox 21's nightly flexible box implementation. September 10, Version Number: This makes it so that in any given frame we only translate a maximum of 2 items on the screen.

The class has also been deprecated The sencha-touch-debug.

sencha touch 2.0.1

SASS structure is accepted to change and be more in line with Ext 4. This will be fixed in an forthcoming release. October 12, Version Number: Removed overriden methods in WindowsPhone viewport that were causing a problem element.

Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.4.1

Contacts method descriptions into abstract interface and moved config from implementation class into abstract Added missing Card Layout documentation back in Native Contacts API is now public and available Improved the packager.

Developers may want to maintain a platform specific UI.

sencha touch 2.0.1

Removed default flex from SegmentedButton. If you use a header with a custom height you will need to set that height in the sass For example: EventQueueing will be present in 2.

April 9, Version Number: Styling for the Grid has not been finalized and cross platform theming is not yet completed.

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